Andromeda Island - new RAW terrain file for Second Life
Andromeda Island is a new 2 sim island design inspired by (you guessed it) a galaxy. It's truly amazing from the ground... if you'd like to see it in person, drop by Bora Bora.
Making Second Life more island at a time
Andromeda Island is a new 2 sim island design inspired by (you guessed it) a galaxy. It's truly amazing from the ground... if you'd like to see it in person, drop by Bora Bora.
I just realized it had been a long while since i have updated my little many things have happened in the past 6 months. Writing about them soon soon soon!
If you would like to see or purchase any of these new raw terrain files in-world for your private island, just IM Mathieu Basiat
I just read the lastest SL press release....we're getting REAL weather!!! Windwardmark was aquired by Linden Labs, and their WindLight tech will be incorporated into the SL viewer soon. Super Cool!
The Lindens just announced on their blog that durring the land rush to get the cheaper cost islands before the deadline that "Second Life is set to expand by 30% as new islands come online". That's a ton of new islands....I think I'm about to get really busy!
Now for something a little more fun...Starfish Island. Perfect for renting out 1/5ths of sims, with a common area in the center.
Have been so busy with custom islands I haven't had a chance to blog them...and since SL is down, I guess this is my chance!
I really love how the Faeroe Islands came much much beach. I did manipulate the topography a bit to fill the sim, and leave more water in between the finger islands. Check it out at secondlife://Huahine
Our new Island store is now open! We are now showcasing the Falkland Islands, so you can experience it for yourself!
I've decided to take a video of my new Falkland Islands...I will post pictures later today...
I just got my 4 new Openspace sims attached to Bora Bora Isles yesterday, and decided to have a little fun with one of them.
People have been asking me inworld to see the grand selection of islands I have available, so here it here to see the islands as one huge gif file (50k). The islands I'm working on now are all of the French Polynesian isles like Tahaa, Huihine etc....those will be coming soon!
The movie that I was in just won the SecondLife 2006 Machinima Awards...that's me at the end on one of my surfboards! You can see Bora Bora Isles in the background before we had it landscaped fully. There's a little too much shooting in the movie for me personally, but, oh well.
Here is the first island I am posting... St Barts in the Caribbean...
Terraforming in Second Life is something everyone can do, and most people do it badly. Doing it by hand, especially when you are terraforming a whole sim can take days to do correctly, and you have no overall scope of the project.